Ductless Heating

Denver, CO Ductless Heating by Aurora Plumbing Company

For many homeowners, forced–air distribution systems such as furnaces and heat pumps are far from ideal. While ducts certainly have their value, those sensitive to indoor air quality problems, as well as those concerned about energy efficiency, may want to consider going ductless. Long prevalent in Europe and Asia, ductless heating systems are starting to gain in popularity here in the US as well. We offer comprehensive ductless heating services throughout the Denver, CO area for homeowners in need of installation, replacement, repair or maintenance services. Whether you need a new heater installed from scratch or your existing ductless heater no longer functions as well as it should, we can provide a solution.

Here at Aurora Plumbing Company, we employ NATE–certified heating technicians whose rigorous training and extensive experience make sure that they are able to handle any ductless heating need that you could possibly have. We have served this area since 1984 with a combination of excellent customer service and quality workmanship, and we don’t intend to stop anytime soon. We are fully accredited by the Better Business Bureau, and we are available 7 days a week to discuss your project or service needs. If you’d like to hear more about ductless heating, then don’t hesitate to give us a call today.

The Denver, CO HVAC and plumbing experts at Aurora Plumbing Company offer quality repair, installation, and maintenance services throughout the Denver area. Request an estimate today!

Why Should I Consider Ductless Heating?

There is no shortage of options when it comes to keeping your home comfortable during the Denver, CO winter. But there are some solid reasons why you might want to opt for ductless heating over other options. Like a furnace or heat pump, a ductless heater is a forced–air system that heats your indoor air directly, rather than radiating heat outward from a pipe or radiator filled with hot water or steam.

But the lack of ducts is an excellent advantage over conventional systems. Ductwork can be a haven for all sorts of debris, including dust and dander, and this can be an issue for customers who are sensitive to airborne contaminants, as well as those with allergies and other respiratory issues. Ductless heating requires the installation of compact air handlers throughout the house to avoid the use of ducts, although in other respects, it has all the energy efficiency of a heat pump.

We Offer Professional Ductless Heating Services in Denver, CO

We can make certain that your ductless heating system receives the high quality services it needs to perform day–in and day–out all year long. This begins with installation. Our experienced technicians can make sure that every area of your living space is fully covered by your ductless heating system, and we’ll show you how to maximize the performance and efficiency of your system as well.

What Are Some Common Problems with Ductless Heating?

No HVAC system is worry–free, however. No matter how well your ductless heater is maintained, there will come a time when it requires repair. Preventive maintenance is the best way to avoid such problems from happening in the first place, but despite your best efforts, it’s important to stay alert to any sudden changes in the performance or efficiency of your ductless mini split. We can handle any ductless heating problem that arises at your home.

Call today to schedule service with APC Plumbing and see why local home and business owners have trusted us with all their plumbing and HVAC needs since 1984.


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